It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to this noble initiative titled “Never Walk Alone”. Wherever you are visiting this page from, whether you are in Africa, Europe or Asia, we implore you to continue reading, be inspired by our stories, by our purpose and make a difference in your surrounding so that we ensure that no child ever has to walk barefoot in the world.

So often I drive around our beautiful country Namibia, and many times I was confronted by very sad realities of young children as early as 5 years walking next to the road, for kilometres, in severe conditions, sometimes cold, sometimes hot, barefoot. Children who have never owned a pair of shoes in their lives before. Children who are exposed to cold, cuts, and all kinds of health hazards, simply because they are barefoot. Their dignity of poverty laid bare for everybody to see, teased by their peers, low on confidence and walking believing that this is their destiny.

The name Never Walk Alone is therefore appropriate, because we want to not only tell them but show them that they are not alone. That a pair of shoes is not a luxury, but a basic need, that we will protect them, because by protecting their feet, we protect their confidence and journey.

Thousands of children across the world face the same challenge and usually, it’s a visible sign of extreme poverty. Today we have thousands of children in Namibia, especially in rural Namibia without a pair of shoes. You and I can make a difference and put a stop to this because we know it is unacceptable and inhuman.

Me and my team, therefore, implore you to take action by making a donation so that we can ensure that every child owns a pair of shoes. We believe that given the right kind of shoes, every child can walk out of their current circumstances with confidence right into their destiny. Let us provide them with the shoes because they are the future of this country and continent.

To demonstrate my commitment to Never Walk Alone, I will make a cash contribution of N$100,000 every year. Join us in the journey of putting smiles on the faces and hearts of our children.

I thank you in advance.